If you are looking for a solicitor near Bath who deals with perineal tear claims (including 3rd and 4th degree tear claims), please contact us today. We are located just outside of Bath and specialise in clinical negligence law, particularly perineal tear claims.
3rd degree tears Bath
3rd and 4th degree tears often lead to a medical negligence claim. The reason for this is not because 3rd and 4th degree tears are themselves negligent. Sadly they are a natural part of childbirth and cannot always be prevented.
However, the injuries are serious ones and must be diagnosed and treated shortly after the birth. Sometimes this does not happen – either because a thorough examination was not performed after the delivery, or because the injury was missed during an examination.
Unrepaired 3rd or 4th degree tear
An unrepaired 3rd or 4th degree tear will be very troubling. Both injuries extend to the anal sphincter complex, with a 3rd degree tear involving the external anal sphincter and a 4th degree tear involving both the internal and external anal sphincters.
When there is an unrepaired defect in the sphincter, the function will be adversely affected. This means the woman in question will have difficulty controlling the passing of flatus (wind) and faeces. This may lead to embarrassing episodes of uncontrollable wind, faecal urgency with the need to rush to the toilet and, if defecation cannot be deferred for long enough, faecal incontinence.
Treatment for a missed 3rd degree tear
These symptoms will be very upsetting, particularly as having a newborn baby in the family is supposed to be a happy time for all concerned. Unfortunately it is possible that these symptoms continue in the long-term, as treatment provided a long time after the injury occurred is not always effective.
Indeed, a 3rd or 4th degree tear should be surgically repaired by an experienced surgeon in the immediate aftermath of the birth. The longer surgery is delayed, the less effective it will be. Other treatment options are available, but again these are not always successful.
Solicitors in Bath
If you have suffered because of a missed 3rd or 4th degree tear, you need to talk to a solicitor about making a claim. You do not necessarily need a solicitor in your local area, although it can be useful to have your legal representative nearby.
Therefore if you are looking for a solicitor in the Bath area, please get in touch with us today. We specialise in gynaecological claims and will be able to assist you.